CVAP makes me trust the process | CVAP9 | Day 3

It's another great day of CVAP Training! I can't believe that we just had our third session. Indeed, time flies when you are having fun. Though I still had a couple of assignments left undone, I am sure that I can finish them...well, hopefully before Graduation Day. 😅 

We had an interesting Day 3 which began with a life story from the bubbly Papa Lem. He is a Certified Voice Artist, a youth volunteer, and a content creator. One piece of advice that I was able to take note of from his talk was, "You don't have to be great to start. You just have to start to be great." This makes me feel even more delighted about my decision of joining CVAP because I know that I just embarked on a fruitful journey.

Another thing that he said was, "Trust the process." This made me realize that the road towards our plans and dreams may be long and winding, but trusting the process would practically mean enjoying every step of the way, and taking every good learning that we can pick up along the ride.

The day was also graced by one of the pioneering persons in the Dubbing Industry, a well-respected man, Mr. Danny Mandia. He is the dubbing director and translator of many cartoon series and telenovelas that we used to watch in the 90s. We felt honored and nostalgic at the same time while Mr. Mandia talked about his experiences and realities in the Dubbing Industry.

The fun part of the day was the workshop called Zoom-arte. I must say that our VarietyVoices Group (BR1) did well in our presentation. Yehey! 😍 

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