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If there is one word that would always remind me of the second day in the most renowned voice artist course in the country, that would be the word “doubt- and coffee" which is funny because I almost never think I can't do something, and the coffee? Oh yes, the coffee. Day two finally arrived and it was a wonderful week after meeting the whole batch nine of the Certified Voice Artist Program, wonderful in the sense that I was oozing with energy and enthusiasm towards this craft. It's ironic because honestly, as usual, I have not slept even a bit since my full-time job still requires me to be awake until five in the morning. I won't also take the chance of closing my eyes because if I did, I might miss some of the most valuable points the voice master would give. And sure enough, another skill was unlocked that day.


The session was a bit more technical this time. Talking about specific points regarding how to care for one’s voice, which by the way has gotten my jaw to drop again, so let me talk about it first. Multiple lovely things, food, and practices were called out, one of them being to "minimize or best, stop the intake of coffee". Seeing those words on my screen made my eyes bulge from the great amount of guilt that I felt because I had a full cup of double-shot amerikano right in front of me at that exact time. Yes, coffee is my favorite drink. As a matter of fact, I’m eternally grateful for my love for coffee because I met the love of my life because of it. (DM if you wanna know. LOL) I believe most of you would agree with me that coffee is the single most important substance anyone whose goal in life is to be extremely productive, can induce. "Cafe amerikano, double shot" are the first words that come out of my mouth every time I'm in a coffee shop, the darker the better for me because I just need every ounce of boost I can get from my favorite drink. I mean how else can we go through this all-so-tiring life without a sip of a bitter black coffee? Especially me because my work’s nature would need me to deviate from the normal waking hours of my country, surely I needed to drink coffee. But according to science, if I wanted to preserve my voice and make sure I can get the best out of it in the long run I should stop drinking what I love the most. On those seconds in CVAP batch 9, I was not so sure at all. Am I really going to say goodbye to coffee? Am I sure, I was really gonna do this? Will I survive? This definitely will be a hard choice for me but I'll try it for this week and see if I can survive. And if I did, I'll post an update on my next blog.


Gosh, I sounded rather confused there right? Believe me, I am but let’s go back to the main thing that really caught my interest, voice acting, and my doubts about it.

Now if you have checked my first blog you probably know that I have been doing voiceovers for a little over a year now. My forte has always been doing the classic big-voiced announcements and commercials, and I loved hearing myself with the lowest modulated voice I make whenever I do so. It has always been my favorite because it was what got me here in the first place. However, on the second day of the workshop, we were taught and required to do multiple voices, the one skill I wanted to learn but always fail to do.

I recall one of the best projects I could ever have but didn't get, because I’m so bad at it. About a month ago a casting agent emailed me saying she has been checking out my voiceover work lately and that she would really love to have me do a special project for her. The project was the loveliest thing I could imagine. It was long term, it required only basic editing, I had the perfect voice for narrating it and the agent was the one who reached out first. It was an opportunity I know could unlock a whole new avenue of success for me. The only thing is that the job required me to have multiple voices, a skill I have yet to unlock. Long story short, I didn't get the job for the reason that I did not know how to sound differently over the mic. That opportunity slipped through my hands.

When I heard that we were gonna perform this kind of thing, I instantly hesitated, funny enough because again I’m not really the non-persistent type. But as the voice master taught the secrets in making these kinds of feats in great detail and of course with that whip of inspiration and a little more push of confidence, I slowly understood the tricks on how to do it in the best, effective and simple way. 

That said, as my microphone was muted on zoom, I started testing it out, and surely got me a new feeling for it. Again I was doubtful but the training never failed to remind me to always believe in myself, because a lot of people believe I can do it.
Don’t get me wrong, I was nowhere near being good at it, but I had the best feeling of doing it and my confidence was boosted, enough to say that I know when an opportunity such as the previous one I lost would come back again, I know I would nail.

So far that was day two and please forgive me if it’s very brief and not really detailed. I hope you’ll understand because I….

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