In a heartening and progressive initiative, the City Mayor's Office, together with the Youth Affairs, Development, and Persons with Disabilities Affairs Offices of General Santos City, recently organized an inspirational two-day 'Voiceworx' Voice Acting Workshop. Catering primarily to young individuals with disabilities, this event was held on May 29-30 at the vibrant Veranza Mall, encapsulating the spirit of the Music & Arts events of the 2023 Gensan Summer Youth Festival. The event was an esteemed collaboration with the Certified Voice Artist Program (CVAP) and Voice of the Youth Network (VOTY), organizations renowned for their commitment to nurturing voices that matter.
Navi Garcia, Inspiring the participants |
John Anthony Cabuga, a skilled workshop trainer and a certified voice artist hailing from the SOCCSKSARGEN region, emphasized the vision of VOTY: to promote voice acting as a distinguished art form and encourage aspiring artists to use their voices as instruments of positive social change. He made a fervent commitment to mentor and inspire the next generation of voice artists, which notably includes individuals with disabilities.
Harlem Ferolino of CVAP, VOTY and PIA |
Navi Garcia, another dynamic Voiceworx trainer and an individual with disabilities, serves as a living testament to the power of determination and consistent practice. Despite experiencing psychosocial challenges, Garcia has realized his dream of becoming a certified voice artist and believes that everyone - young people and individuals with disabilities alike - can do the same. His story serves as a beacon of hope and a resounding message of empowerment for all.
A highlight of the workshop was the concluding mini-recital, where the organizers recognized and applauded the participants for their commendable efforts. Garcia excitedly announced the possibility for participants to be endorsed for full scholarships for the 4-week CVAP virtual training. This opportunity opens doors to certification as voice artists, enabling them to join the illustrious ranks of Filipino voice artists.
As a testament to their commitment to voice acting, the "Voiceworx by CVAP" (VBC) voice acting caravan plans to continue offering workshops to various educational institutions, communities, and organizations across General Santos City, even after the conclusion of the GSYF.
The response from the participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing that the workshop was an empowering experience that equipped them with the tools and confidence to consider a fulfilling career in voice acting.