CVAP Day 1 Experience


Day 1 in the Certified Voice Artist Program

September 4, 2021 - Saturday

This day was really really hectic. I had to attend the Certified Voice Artist Program from 9:00 AM till 4:00 PM for the first time. I was scared, nervous, and shy. To be honest, I had no idea what I got myself into. In fact, I still don’t know but I would like to think that that’s what’s great about joining the program. It means that you never know what’s gonna happen next until you try it out.

Today, we learnt about personal branding. Branding should be catchy, relevant and personal. It should be catchy so people remember you for that brand. It should be relevant to who you are, why you are here, and what you do. It should be personal in a way that it has something to do with your past, experience, or something you always take into mind.

For my branding, I made it “VocAlee” from Vocal and Alee because of 2 reasons:

  1. As an advocate, I am vocal and take action for what I stand for. I wish to fight for those that cannot and treat everyone with kindness no matter their background.

  2. My current nickname is “Nats” but before that, I was “Alee”. Being called “Alee” brings me nostalgia and a warm friendly feeling. With that, I want to be able to showcase my warm and friendly feeling to those I serve using my talents.

As I finalized my branding, we had a talk from Mister Pocholo De Leon Gonzales that gave me a confidence boost. It was about being great at what we do and no matter how many failures we have, nothing will change the fact that we are amazing people. As said by Mr. Pocholo, the best time to believe in yourself is when no one believes in you.

Through the session, we answered questions about knowing our purpose and sharing it with others. I really liked that we were in breakout rooms because I got to meet friendly and diverse people. With all my learnings from Day 1, I would like to challenge the readers to answer these questions as a reflection of your path in life.

  • Who are you? What is your name and what is your current occupation?

  • What can you do? Can you do it without being paid?

  • Who are the people that need you?

  • What do they need from you?

  • How does their life change because of what you do for them?

Hello! I am Natalia Mayo, a Grade 12 Accountancy and Business Management Student Leader and Youth Advocate. I do online hosting, event management, and project management usually for my youth organizations and student body community. The people that need me are my fellow Filipinos, specifically those we create impactful projects and programs for. They need help, my time, and my efforts to give the youth opportunities and help the oppressed. Their life changes because of the service we give to them while the youth get inspired to volunteer as well.

Feel free to comment your answer down below as you introduce yourself and stay updated for my other upcoming blogs :))

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